You can sit down and relax while The Desert Fox works with your concentrate. It is very precise and easy to setup. You should sift through your concentrate first for optimal results.
The Desert Fox's ability to change the angle of the wheel, water pressure and the rotation speed makes it a perfect choice no mater where your concentrate comes from.
The Desert Fox spiral wheel has seven separate spirals which picks up gold seven times with each rotation of the wheel (105 times per minute). These spirals transports the gold into the tube-shaft and into a gold catch-cup. This method is far superior to other types of spiral wheels.
The Desert Fox is a compact, light weight gold panning "machine" that you can bring everywhere. It is stored in a black plastic container, that is also used as a water tank.
It weighs less than 5 kg and you can assemble it in a couple of minutes. Add 3-4 litres of water, connect the cables to a power source and you are good to go!
The Desert Fox has earned it's nickname because it uses so little water, and can pan through 35 kg of concentrate in an hour.
Length: 50 cm
Height: 50 cm
Weight: 4,5 kg without waterWheel diameter: 31 cm.Power requirements: 12V DC 5 AhWater requirements: 3-4 litresPump capacity: 30 litres per minute.Cons:If we must mention any downside to the Desert Fox, it is that it is a little slow. But if you do not have as much material to pan through so this is a really good and fun alternative.