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Gold panning in Ädelfors. Sweden's most experienced prospectors will teach you how pan for gold.


Guldvaskningen i Ädelfors

In Ädelfors you get gold fever, for real.

Goldpanning for real. Make your dream come true and learn how to pan for gold with Europe´s most experienced and freindliest Gold Miners. Here is link to the website of Ädelfors Gold Washing www.guldvaskning.se

Gold panning in Ädelfors is located in a quiet and nice place at the beautiful river Emån, here you can learn gold panning. The only thing that can disturb the peace is birdsong, rippling water and the hum of the summer breeze in the trees.

So far people have dug up nearly 200 tonnes of gold in Sweden. There is - surely - yet more to be, with good profitability, dug out. The Swedish extraction of gold has been entirely focused on mining. Virtually all gold comes from mines in our mountains. Compared to this amount, practically nothing have (yet) been identified out of our waterways. the only panning done have been panning samples with the only intention to find their way to the main gold vein.

It does not mean that there aren't large amounts of gold to be found in the rivers. In our country, it's just that verry few people have been intrested in panning for gold on a large scale. But things have begun to move around ... It is known that an increasing number of prospectors have started panning with different types of machines. Judging by the size of these machines (and that several prospectors have changed to ever larger machines), there is plenty of gold. So much gold that they continue with their panning.

Virtually all experienced geologists - that we talked to - are convinced that there can be as much panable gold here in Sweden, as in Alaska or California.

Come for a visit and have a great experience with us.