Gold & mineral hunting
Professional metal detectors for prospectors who are searching after gold and minerals
Here you will find metal detectors specially designed for prospectors looking for gold and precious minerals. These powerful detectors open the door to an exciting realm beneath the earth's surface, where you can find both precious metal and valuable minerals.

Metal detectors for gold and mineral exploration - Guldstrom.com
Explore our collection of metal detectors for gold and mineral exploration, and let us guide you to find the most valuable that mother earth has to offer.
Gold and minerals - nature's treasure house
Gold has long fascinated people and been a target of desire and adventure. Precious minerals, rich in economic and scientific value, have shaped history and our modern world. Searching for gold and minerals is not only a passion, but an opportunity to discover nature's treasure trove and contribute to our knowledge of our planet's geology.
Metal detectors for gold and mineral exploration are precision-made instruments that are sensitive to small metal objects and mineralization in the ground. Their advanced technology makes them indispensable tools for prospectors striving to find gold veins, quartz formations and other valuable minerals. These professional metal detectors specialize in filtering out unnecessary signal interference and focusing on the most valuable.
Technology and benefits
The professional metal detectors for gold and mineral exploration that we offer are equipped with advanced features that give you a superior advantage when you go out prospecting. With the ability to customize sensitivity, identify different metals and minerals, and offer high accuracy, these metal detectors are the preferred choices for serous prospectors.
Explore our collection of professional metal detectors for gold and mineral exploration, and let us help you choose the perfect metal detector for your projects and adventures. We share your passion for precious metals and valuable minerals and are happy to help when you are looking for a new metal detector. Contact us if you want guidance.