Is there anything more unnecessary than freezing about your hands? Imagine an autumn, winter or spring with cold water in the brook - or even worse a mountain stream with 0-degree water ...
Thankfully, there are long gloves, long gloves that are lined and that can withstand water that reaches up to your upper arms and keeps you dry and warm.
One size - XL that fits real gold diggers. Are they too big? Just take an extra finger tip so it will be even better.
There is an elastic band on the end of the long gloves that ensures that no water "splashes" in and keeps you warm and warm while your peers freeze and suffer.
Yes, I know it is a shame for them because I have also frozen in cold water but now I have stopped with it thanks to these wonderful long gloves that keep me dry and warm. If the long gloves, after all, happen to get wet inside, you just turn them in and out and dry them when you come home and then they are just as good again.
Good Swedish quality that holds us gold diggers.