Coming soon - New for 2015 - the Minelab GPZ 7000. "Our next flagship gold detector will be based on new technology that we have developed and verified; technology that will dramatically improve detector performance."
Initial ads promise:
Extreme Gold Depth
Maximum Gold Sensitivity
Precision Ground Balance
Enhanced Noise Immunity
Simple Menu System
Wireless Audio Freedom
GPS Locating and PC Mapping
Weatherproof Detecting (GPZ 14 coil fully waterproof to 1 meter)
* When compared to the average performance of the GPX 5000 in typical environments. Actual performance depends on prevailing conditions.The information displayed in this graph is an out-of-the-box comparison, is indicative only, and is based on the results of laboratory measurements and field testingundertaken by, and for, Minelab using a GPX 5000 with the 11" Monoloop coil, an SDC 2300 with attached 8" Monoloop coil and a GPZ 7000 with the GPZ 14 Super-Dcoil. The nominal performance for GPX 5000 with the 11" Monoloop coil is used as the baseline for comparison of the other detectors. The performance of the GPX 5000on larger nuggets with a larger comparable accessory 15" x 12" Monoloop coil is also depicted. Note that a GPZ 7000 with a GPZ 14 coil will also typically furtheroutperform a GPX 5000 with larger accessory coils on small and medium nuggets.Please be aware that the depicted results give a relative and realistic comparison of the three detectors for typical goldfields conditions for detecting the weight rangesof gold shown, but do not represent performance under all conditions, and should not be regarded as conclusive.Minelab does not warrant or represent that the performance levels depicted will actually be achieved, as performance of the three detectors will vary depending uponprevailing conditions. Relevant factors in detector performance include, but are not limited to, detector settings, coil size and configuration, ground type, mineralisationlevels and type, electromagnetic interference, gold nugget size, shape and composition, and operator skill level.